Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Olympic Equestrian in HK

Hong Kong is a city that is obsessed with all things action on one hand, but also highly sleep deprived on the other. So the city's hosting of the Olympic Equestrian events brought the two dynamics together, and thus far sleep is winning. The local paper ran some classic quotes from fans who attended the early dressage events:

"I was deeply bored. The horses just walked from one side of the arena to the other and then back again"

"I thought they were just going through their warm-up exercises but the commentator said the round was over."

"My wife bought the tickets and dragged me here. I was totally surprised when the competition started because I had expected to see horse racing. I have to say that this is the most boring thing I've ever seen in my life."

"To be honest, I don't think equestrianism is an appealing sport visually.

"I thought the event would be like a carnival. But it was so boring,"

I've caught a bit of it on television and i can attest that it's a bore. I think I made the right call in not spending a fortune for tickets and braving the crowds and sweltering temperatures to achieve my Olympic moment in HK. I far prefer the couch where I can snooze in style through the boring stuff.

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