Thursday, January 29, 2009

In the same boat

Since our arrival in Hong Kong we have loosely followed this blog by a couple of fellow expats living in HK with their young family, and it served as inspiration to start our own weblog for family and friends. In the early going it served as a really valuable handbook to getting ourselves up and running in HK -- finding a flat, hiring a helper, places to visit, etc. But as time went on it was remarkable, almost eerie, how parallel their lives were to ours -- not only that they were Americans of similar age in HK with a small daughter, but also the frustrations, fears, homesickness, ups and downs of being so far from home base.

Sadly, the similarities have become even closer as the author recently lost her father. While I was not quite as open and eloquent in our blog with my feelings on my dad's recent passing, I can sure relate to the numbness and grief she feel's being halfway across the globe during a time like this.

Thought I'd include a link to their blog. Like our blog, they have elected to keep theirs public for anyone/everyone to read.


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