Friday, June 20, 2008

Lizzie and Ingrid Make the Papers!

Lizzie and Ingrid are climbing the ladder to Hong Kong celebrity-dom! Until this point their fame has only been on the city's sidewalks but now they've made it into the local press. Their visit to the photo exhibition yesterday resulted in a photo shoot and an interview and this morning they graced the pages of the Takungpao Daily newspaper.

Wikipedia describes the newspaper as the 'mouthpiece of China's communist party' and being funded wholly by the PRC. I Babelfish'd the Chinese text and it speaks of Elizabeth "closely hugging 9-month old daughter Ingrid" and frequently being "brought to tears." Lizzie's quotes are full of praise for the central government's handling of the disaster and she closes with "China's leaders fully demonstrated genuine spirit of leadership." Well spoken, brownie points for us with the local authorities! Internet Police: If you're reading this, you can send the complimentary Beijing Olympic tickets directly to my office address. The Internet story can be found at

Excerpt from the article: 從三藩市來港定居的Elizabeth 昨日帶著九個月大的女兒Ingrid參觀抗震救災圖片展,在一群父母在學校的廢墟上捧著孩子的遺像的巨幅照片前,Elizabeth久久駐足。她緊緊抱著女兒,目不轉睛地注視著照片,眼中滿含悲傷的淚水。「身為父母,經歷這樣的事情實在是太不幸了。」Elizabeth覺得圖片展上每一幅圖片都會說話,讓她感同身受,數度落淚。當看到災後中國最高領導人紛紛趕赴災區的圖片時,Elizabeth說:「中國的領導人充分展示了真正的領袖精神,讓災民充分感受到了來自政府的支持,非常難能可貴。」

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