Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Doppelgangers, Ingrid style

Ingrid loves to point out advertisements and pictures she sees as likenesses of us and say 'Mama' or 'Dada.' Inevitably it is very flattering for Lizzie and quite painful for me. I am the Dad in Peter Pan and the head waiter in Ratatouille, neither of which are inspiring. Lizzie is Snow White or the beautiful fairy from Pinnochio, both very deserving but also favorable. As you can see here, Ingrid loves this advertisement in a local mall and always points and says 'Mama.' Well, she crushed me the other day as we walked past a local modern art gallery on Wyndham Street and pointed to this sculpture in the window. 'Dada!' Apparently I resemble a fat Chinese man pronated on a block of ice undergoing a champagne cupping treatment. Ouch on all levels.


Erin Welch Hunt said...

I don't say "LOL" often and mean it, but sincerely and truly...LOL.


Sprincely said...

I'm guessing you're going to stop with that champagne-cupping treatment now...? Just get a massage like everyone else for once Bob!

Christine said...

If I was drinking milk it would be splurting out of my nose right now.