Friday, August 28, 2009

Frank Chu

Well done Patrick, thanks for emailing me this pic. You've got a good eye for crazy. I dressed as Frank Chu for Halloween back in the late-90's when he was just another wingnut roaming the streets of San Francisco. I'd post a picture of my costume but its in a shoebox somewhere in a storage locker because I took the photo with a film camera, remember those? I've not thought of Frank in 10 years but now it seems he's become drunk on his own celebrity with a lengthy Wikipedia entry and 800+ Facebook friends!

He was the first to call for Bill Clinton's impeachment, not because the President lied straight to the nation's face but because he had collaborated with the '12 Galaxies' to direct the CIA to withhold '20 Billions' of dollars he is due for being a member of 'The Richest Families.'

It's all fun and games until he climbs the Ferry Building clocktower and starts shooting.

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