Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Hello Delhi

We're just settling in to bed after a long day exploring the craziness of Dehli, home to almost 17 million people who all seem to own either a motorbike or a pint sized Tata-made car. We toured the city for hours but much of it was spent in logjam traffic, no bother since Mr. Singh our tour guide filled us in on the Readers Digest version of 600 years of Indian history. Absurd to be passed by slow movers like horse drawn carts or men towing Guinness WR-breaking loads of rice sacks or boxes of different sorts

We've had a great first day in India. We're all healthy and happy and the Imperial Hotel has had us staying in high colonial style. The streets of Delhi are a complete berzerker so its nice to retreat to a gated paradise in the midst of it all. Ingrid is popular with the locals and little Tillie is met with looks of curiosity while others look at us with a 'wow, you brought a 1 month old baby to our crazy country' look. Tomorrow we take off for Agra to see the Taj and then onward into the wonders of Rajistan where we'll be staring at the wonders of India only to realize that the locals are staring at us.

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